
Cyame's Personal Blog


ASS Override Tags | Aegisub特效标签

Preface 前言

About Documentation 关于本文档

It’s a personal edition of Aegisub Override Tags Documentation. This document is helpful to amateur and experienced, and also detailed enough for novice to build a comprehension to the tags. Also, if you are an expert, the documents will also have a great help in understanding why it is so. So you won’t have to spend so many time in debugging or reviewing the official documents everytime you use them.

Before you read, I’d like to state that the tag is highly associated with computer programming, though it’s possible to be used without any programming skills. Thus if there’s anything caught you stucked, please skip it. Every paragraph is kind of independent that a questioning paragraph won’t influence the understanding of other parts.

  • If you know nothing about programming and are a completely freshman, I highly recommand you to read Official Documents and watch some Tutorial videoes first.
  • If you are a programmer or have some basic knowlege in programming, it will be easy for you to understand. So you only need to take a quick look of this document and use the API once you need to have a look-up.
  • If you are an experienced subtitle producer with little understanding in programming area, congratulations! This tutorial is tailored for you! Or if you are already an expert in Aegisub and want to sharpen your comprehension, this tutorial will also leave a benefit for you.

Thus, though I will include some tables like API as well, the introduction will be with some comprehensive samples and combining skills. So please make sure you already have a basic knowledge of Aegisub and those tags before your reading, which would give you a better experience.

In conclusion, this documentation is focused on theoric comprehension, customized for those who have basic knowledge of Aegisub, and interest in learning more about tags and related programming theories.



  • 如果你是一个完全不了解编程(并且还不太会使用Aegisub)的纯萌新,我强烈推荐你先去阅读官方文档并且观看一些教学视频
  • 如果你是一位程序工程师或者有一定的编程知识,那么你会非常快地理解本文档内容。因此你可以快速阅读本文档,之后查阅API文档即可。
  • 如果你是一位使用Aegisub非常熟练的轴Man,但你对于相关编程知识不甚了解。那么恭喜你!本文档就是为你量身定做的!或者如果你已经是一位老轴师并想加深自己对Aegisub的理解,这篇文档一样对你会有帮助。



About Notation 关于注记

  • This documentation have both Chinese and English version together. Though the explanation styles and words will be different, the concept and theories are the same. Besides, the exteral link will be different (according to the language). It will be divided into two posts after completely finish. There are three major reason for two version: Firstly, it’s aimed to be accurate and no ambiguity; Secondly, it’s used to help the writer to manage the documenting thread to be clear and perfect, it’s also a training of translating skills. Third, it’s looking forward to more subtitle amateurs to take a look of it, though whether it’s helpful is on you, the readers.
  • The document have some graphs using Mermaid to create, which could be displayed in Typora. And as follows, there’s a web picture using SMMS as photobed, with the auto-upload service powered by PicGo. Thus, you have no need to read the “rediculous” code blocks, but may help if the picture is not loaded currectly.
  • The documentation will mainly use two kinds of notation form as follow
    • <some-notes>: e.g.\fs<font-size>, please replace the full text including <> with the content, like \fs80. In contrast with the official documentation, the note will used full natural languages. Though it will be complex comparing to the symbols, but will be more comprehensive.
    • : Within every blocks, there will be a api table at the top, with examples and detailed explanation following at most cases. Because of the relationship and contrast will be complex, some significant notes will be also in the tables.

  • 本文使用中英双语编写,两边给出的解释和说明可能会有略微不同,但整体概念无差异。两侧的相关外部链接也会有差别。待编写完成并进行完善后会拆分为中英两版。写两版的主要理由一是在于为了规范表达消除二义性,二是为了笔者个人进行逻辑梳理和对译训练,三是希望能有海外和更多的字幕制作爱好者能够看到这篇文档,当然是否有帮助要交给各位来评判。

  • 本文档配图使用Mermaid语法编写,Markdown文档自身可以在Typora等软件内查看。网页版图片会使SMMS作为图床,采用PicGo进行上传部署。因此中间的代码块无需阅读,在无法加载图片的时候可以参考。

  • 本文档将主要使用以下两种注记方式

    • <此处填入内容>:例如\fs<字体大小>,在使用时请在<>内填入对应的内容,如\fs80。与官方文档不同的是,本文档中的内容注记将全部使用自然语言进行表示,因此相较于精简的符号表示会略显繁琐,但更易于理解。

    • <API表格>:在每条标签的介绍前均会给出一个API表格用于说明其用法,绝大多数情况下会在后文中有用例及使用说明。由于标签之间的相关和相斥(二选一生效)关系比较复杂,因此重要的描述也会在表格内进行。

Introduction 绪论

What is “Override”? 何为”重载”?

Override is a programming terminology, which originally means the sub class rewrite the function in the superclass or interface, so that every instance(object) under the sub class, would prefer to excute the override funtion, instead of the original function declared in the super class. Actually, you don’t have to know it so well before your journey in using override tags. In fact, to be simple but not accurate, we can state that each style of every subtitle lines (especailly refers to dialogue), have a 3-layer struture of its presentation in vision.

graph TD;

A[Word] --> |+/bandled with|B[Font Style]
B --> |+/A special kind of|C[Override Tags]
C --> |Override|B


注:英文中特效标签被称为重载标签(Override Tags)而非特殊效果标签(Effect Tags)

graph TD;

A[字幕] --> |+/绑定|B[样式]
B --> |+/特殊形式|C[特效标签]
C --> |重载|B
截屏2020-07-17 下午2.17.10

Break 空白

Line Autobreaking Style 自动换行模式

Interpretation 名词解释

Color Notation 颜色注记

A color notation is used to present a RGB color, and in Aegisub, it should be written as &H<6-digits_color_code>&. A 6-digit code, which always be with a prefix of #, is a standard code to discribe any of the RGB color, which is widely used in web, Photoshop and etc. It is in a format of RRGGBB which has a couple of hexical numbers used for a 8-bit color discription.

RRGGBBmeans we use 2-digits of hexical humbers to discribe a kind of color(Red, Green or Blue), then combine them together with each color in the range of 0-255, which actually fit in the range of a 8-bit RGB color (8 digits in binary).

For instance, a color code F3E109means that Red = F3(Hex) = 243(Dec), Green = E1(Hex) = 225(Dec), Blue = 09(Hex) = 9(Dec), represent a RGB color of (R,G,B) = (243,225,9), it’s gold!

In most case, color notation is capital insensitive, which means FFACDBandffacdbare actually the same.

Note: Though unstandard color code still work, such as &HFF0000&(Red) could be written as &FF0000&,FF0000,Hffand evenff, I personally not recommand for the abbreviated form because it’s difficult for others to tell.

As we can see, Aegisub’s parser has some interesting patterns:

  • Weakly Typed Language

    The tag parser only parse the value it could recognize, but not should accept. Because of that, it has a weak grammar and allows all kinds of grammar mistakes without runtime error, for it will automatically convert it into nil(NULL/None/Void/Invaild) or 0(No Value/0).

    So if you declared the color like &H#&, it will give a color of black, which refers to 0.

  • Left-Association(Priority)

    In another word, it will read from left to right, so the code on the right share higher priority than the left (because it will overwrite the attribute when it is parsed). So that’s why FF equals to FF0000 instead of 0000FF. It’s the same for inline key words and override tags.

    If you declared twice, it will accept the last(right) one instead of the first(left) one.

  • 1-Parameter Inclusity

    Although it’s hard for those programming freshman to comprehend, it’s neccessary to tell somthing about parameter so that it will be easier for amateurs to remember those format. The law is that every tag has only one parameter, or parameter tuple(list). So for those tags that need multi-domains, we need a () to make them together as a tuple, otherwise without it.

    So a simple color tag should be like \1c&HFF0000&without(), or it will return black as 0, but the various color need to be declared as \1vc(&HFF0000&,&HFF0000&,&HFF0000&,&HFF0000&).







  • 弱类型语法




  • 左结合(优先)性



  • 单参数性


    所以一个单色标签应该被写作\1c&HFF0000&(无括号),否则就会被转换为0(黑色)。但是渐变颜色则需要被声明为 \1vc(&HFF0000&,&HFF0000&,&HFF0000&,&HFF0000&)

Library 库

Tag Scope 标签作用域


Parameter 参数

  • Options

    • Effect Scope 效果作用域
    • Align 对齐方式
  • Size

  • Color

  • Time

  • Position

  • Angle

  • On/Off

  • Other Factor

Elements 元素

Size 大小

Font Size 字体大小

Code \fs<font_size>
Discription Inline modifier of font’s dot size.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

The dot size contributes to the frame size. For instance, a font in size of 80 in 1080P video script could be as large as the one in size of 60 whose script is in 720P size. Besides, the size is limited which means it could not be extremely large.

Element Size 元素大小

Code \fsc<size(%)>
Discription Scale of line element.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilterMod

Color 颜色

If you forget about color_notation, you can return to paragraph Color Notation before read.

Simple Color 单色

Code \<scope>c<color>
Discription Fill with color in a particular scope.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilterMod

Various Color 渐变色

Code \<scope>vc<left-top-color,right-top-Color,left-bottom-Color,right-bottom-Color>
Discription Fill with 4-angle-controlled linear gradient color in a particular scope.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilterMod

Font Style 字体样式

Border Width 描边宽度

Code \bord<width>
Discription Border width of the font.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Shadow Distance 阴影距离

Code \shad<distance>
Discription The distance(size) of the font’s shadow.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Blur Edge 模糊边缘

Simple Blur 简单模糊
Code \b<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter
Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊
Code \be<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Spacing 字符间距

  • code: ``

Font Family 字体

Code \be<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

-code: \fn<font-family name>

Shape(AssDraw) 形状(绘图)

Draw Activation 开启绘图

  • code: \p<0/1>

    Code \be<on/off>
    Discription With/Without blur effect.
    Fx Scope Syllable
    Library Affiliated VSFilter
    ### ASSDraw Code 绘图代码

Attribute 属性

Alpha 不透明度

Code \alpha<color>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Line Alignment 对齐方式

  • Code \an<align>
    Discription With/Without blur effect.
    Fx Scope Syllable
    Library Affiliated VSFilter
    ### Rotation 旋转
    #### Common Rotation (Z-axis Rotation) 平面旋转(Z轴旋转)
  • code: \frz<angle>

  • Code \frz<angle>
    Discription With/Without blur effect.
    Fx Scope Syllable
    Library Affiliated VSFilter

X-axis Rotation (Fake 3D) X轴旋转(伪3D)

  • code: \frx<angle>

  • Code \frx<angle>
    Discription With/Without blur effect.
    Fx Scope Syllable
    Library Affiliated VSFilter

Y-axis Rotation (Fake 3D) Y轴旋转(伪3D)

  • code: \fry<angle>

  • Code \fry<angle>
    Discription With/Without blur effect.
    Fx Scope Syllable
    Library Affiliated VSFilter

Mask 遮罩

Clip 矩形遮罩

Code \clip(<left-top-point-postion>,<right-bottom-point-postion>)
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Bezier Clip 贝塞尔遮罩

Code \be<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Position 位置

Code \pos(<position>)
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Style Reset 重置样式

Code \r
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Motion 动画

Keyframe Animation 关键帧动画

Code \t(<start-timestamp(frame)>,<end-timestamp(frame)>,<corresponding-effects>)
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Fade(Fade-in&out) 渐变(淡入淡出)

Simple Fade 简单渐变

  • code: \fad(intime_range,outtime_range)

  • Code \fad(<fade-in-animation-length>,<fade-out-animation-length>)
    Discription Simple Fade-in and Fade-out Effect.
    Fx Scope Line
    Library Affiliated VSFilter

Complex Fade 复杂渐变

  • code: \fade(alpha_at_first, alpha_in_the_middle, alpha_before_end, timestamp_at_the_tail_of_*first*,time_at_the_head_of_the_*middle*,time_at_the_tail_of_the_*middle*,time_at_the_head_of_*end*)

  • Code \be<on/off>
    Discription With/Without blur effect.
    Fx Scope Syllable
    Library Affiliated VSFilter
    ### Movement 移动


Code \be<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Complex Movement

Code \be<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Karaoke 卡拉OK

Key Time

Code \be<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Key with Fade

Code \be<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter


Code \be<on/off>
Discription With/Without blur effect.
Fx Scope Syllable
Library Affiliated VSFilter

Reference 参考资料

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