
Cyame's Personal Blog


Vue Learning Note

Vue LearningNote


Debug & Tips

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  • Force Interrupt using Ctrl+C
    Never interrupt your chromedriver installing process. Though it takes time, but once interrupted, you may have to delete all your node_module folder and restart once again.

  • ENOSPC, which means ‘Error No more hard-disk space available’
    Once a project has mean started defaultly, the maximum watches could be really low, so you should have to enhance the limit by reset nodemon‘s maximum watches to possible max by using

    echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

    as command in the project’s root path.


  • Sometimes, ESlint could be annoying. The way to shut it down is to change the option of useEslint in file /config/index.js. But most time, we should initial the grammar check to make sure our codes are under good condition and standard.

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